Monday, April 11, 2011

Cubicle Decorating Rules


* mud brick bench was part of a hive that was found in a hive rejal located in the place of Asomadilla, owned by Gabriel Martín García.

* Stone hut belonging to the kinked Inn gardens.

This name was known in medieval times, places and fences put up by a wall of stone slabs to protect at least of 40/60 corks hives within be used build a work bench three or four spans high and very lime to prevent attacks of lizards lizards and toads to bees, above this bench was placed the hive around the inn an exclusive area was regulated by law in which no could install similar holdings or scraping, lifting buildings or planting crops, in 1352 was 400 cords of 4 arms each, this area was called emjambradero . HISTORICAL ORIGINS : The advancement of the Christian reconquest of the XII and XIII Baldios caused extensive border areas that were occupied by early settlers quickly attracted by these beekeepers wild and craggy mountains, and certain tax advantages.

Guindalejo * Valley straight stone wall of the Inn of hives called kinked.

The early medieval property law, was based on the settler occupied an ownerless wasteland and placed markers (edge), thereupon built the inn of hives, the land was not notarized by a notary notary public or any, but paid rent to the relevant king. In 1246 Fernando III sold the entire territory of the mountains of Toledo with the field ARROBA by 45000 Alphonsine maravedis gold, the council of the city of Toledo, from the city to collect the rents. In the Middle Ages, war coupled with the large number of golfines (bandits) who lived in these mountains, advised that the beekeepers inns dwell day and night in cabins or huts annexes and well armed with weapons, in 1245 the ravages golfines involve the foundation of a body of daycare for the residents of the mountains, called the holy brotherhood old, were usually several groups of archers who was riding in these mountains, were initially paid by the residents themselves, in 1254 Alfonso X the Wise confirmed as TOLEDO old brotherhood and became dependent on this city, was dissolved in 1835. Another of the tasks of the old hemandad was that of a full part in the hunt for another major predator of beehives, bears. Raids were organized with dogs between February and May to get them out of the dens when they were cornered in some forest clearing, he fired a crossbow darts impregnated with a poison made from an herb called verdegambre, rewards were also offered to both members of the brotherhood as hunters to kill bears, the January 26, 1573 Fontanarejo two neighbors, but Lopez and charged BENITO ALONSO 3740 maravedis of the holy brotherhood of killing a bear, existed from 1593 and a few bears in our mountains and 1876 \u200b\u200bwere almost extinct. THE CULTURE OF HONEY: In the Middle Ages was a hive most profitable business, sold honey and wax to such diverse groups as pharmacists, craftsmen, artists, chandlers and even witches, for farmers in small towns as Fontanarejo no resources, the sale of some pounds of honey could assume a small fortune, between 1523 and 1525 was sold at sign groups to 4 real and paid 100 per emjambre maravedis that could be multiplied by 4 in Toledo, a few corks placed in the yard of a house or put in the middle of the mountains perhaps grouped into an inn, supplementing your diet, and supplied them with wax for light, the excess could be sold. Churches and confraternities also possessed hives filled out the low income of the parish priests wax and supplied the lighting of the churches, in 1776 the brotherhood of the brothers of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fontanarejo hives had a pen in place of the Rinconada. The host city of Toledo and primate of Spain with an endless number of churches and chapels in charge was the lead plaintiff in these products are mainly wax in 1662 (Felipe IV) toledo cathedral arrobas spent 47, 21 pounds, 10 ounces of wax maravedis amounting to 291,966, as demand for this product reversed in the pockets of small farmers, so much so that almost all possessed Fontanarejo neighboring hives, between 1775 and 1776 in the village had 131 beehives with 401 hives, the City Council TOLEDO owner and lord of these lands exercised strict control over the hives, being one of the most important wealth, transacting licenses for fencing and planting inns apiaries, also conducted surveys of these and wore the dozabo, a tax which consisted of 1 / 12 part of production, in 1834 abolished the tax. In the nineteenth century began the decline of inns and apiaries, the introduction of paraffin candles and industrial production of sugar cane and beet gave the deal with this business, but production continued on a smaller scale, currently still rejal of hives in the mountains of Fontanarejo.

* Vandejas, rejal box hives.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Vip Luggage Default Lock

Toothpicks Seahope Watch
SOON ...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Stockholders Equity Accounting Problem

from Google Maps Satellite view


>> SEE VIEW Satellite 45 º

Ya han actualizado las imágenes satélite de Google Maps y por fín se puede ver la intervención " EL ACCIDENTE DE LA PINTURA " que hice en Junio del 2010 en la RAER, Roma.