Friday, September 17, 2010

Optimax Outboard How It Works


Primitive chapel of San Sebastian which later came to be used as a cemetery.

Parish Church of San Felipe and Santiago

No reliable data exists on the date of its construction , although possibly would be between late fourteenth and mid XV because F ontanarejo independence from Arroba in 1444 and is supposed to on that date and would built. The architectural style presented belongs to a period of transition between Mudejar style and the first notes of the Renaissance, although century reforms shows some XVI .

system construction is stone masonry using lime also the old church was ladrillo.La consisted of the central tower, but the body without the portalillo of entry and without the chapel, early vestry was just off the entrance to the church and attached to the outer wall of the rear facade where are still traces of side walls and door style Mudejar very reformed in time modern.

input Portalillo

The original structure in the interior presents a series of arches that show and the opening bars of a new style: the renaissance in its days endured a rich coffered Mudejar day today portalillo desaparecido.En the input can now see a date painted on lime plaster, 1523, right next to the sundial, possibly this year we completed expansion work with the construction of portalillo Air Intake and the current chapel. The original sacristy was removed and passed to be attached to the present chapel. Outwardly
the remains of paintings, as a cross painted on the tower and it is possible that within the layer beneath lime plaster hiding medieval paintings.

Inside the church there are graves under the floor, as it was buried inside, the lack of interior space required to make exhumation, the remains were deposited in the so-called ram was a cube homer attached to the side of the tower, now gone days.

Gateway to the original vestry

Carlos III issued a royal decree prohibiting buried inside churches and construction general cemetery, but not executed until the reign of J ose onaparte B (1808), from that little é began to bury in the primitive church of San S ebastien , the current old cemetery. (Continued)

Medal of St. Benedict XVIII century

seventeenth century crucifix rosary belonged to

Baroque medal sundial on the facade of portalillo

cross painted on the facade of the tower


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